Toys of Yesteryear: The Journey

Created by Julie 3 years ago

As members of the Vapor Valley Questers, Beth and Mary Ellen Gardner worked tirelessly on this legacy project.   For years they raised money, conducted research, made presentations and secured a more permanent location for Toys at the Hillary Rodham Clinton Children’s Library in Little Rock, Arkansas.  Lastly, Beth ensured that visitors of every age could also hear the story of each toy.

You too, can now see and hear the Toys of Yesteryear
Mary Ellen’s memorial to Beth is a copy of The Journey, a program she presented to the Vapor Valley Chapter of The Arkansas State Questers which explains the beginning of Toys up to November, 2020.  

This internet address:

takes you to Vapor Valley's website, where you can download The Journey, or click on the toy links, which takes you directly to the beacon audio technology.  

Scroll all the way to the bottom of the page to see different aspects of the Toys project.
